


  • off-the-shelf, 现成的, 现有的
  • oracle, 神谕, 不知如何解释的方案
  • ad-hoc, 强加的, 刻意的
  • plateau, 曲线图平缓的部分
  • iso-xxx, 同样的, 相同的, iso-quality 同等质量的, iso-performance, 相同性能的
  • xxx-prone, xxx-free: 易受xx的, 免于xx的, interference-prone
  • tease apart: 分别考虑
  • nuisance: trouble, 讨厌的事
  • slack: 松弛空间, SLA slack, laxity
  • cater to; tailored for: 为 xxx 专门定制的
  • research's appetite: 研究热点
  • curation: 对数据的处理、保存、管理
  • boilerplate: 样板文件; 公式化, 陈词滥调
  • strawman: 简单直接的方案, panacea: 万灵丹, 万能的方案
  • on-par: 平起平坐, on-par performance
  • nuances: 细微区别
  • heretoforce: 迄今为止
  • plausible to xxx without yyy: 无需 yyy 即可做 xxx
  • buckle up for: 为 xxx 做好准备
  • stakeholder: 利益相关者
  • in pursuit for: 为了, in order to
  • be akin to xxx: 类似于
  • 比例/比率, 下面是 ChatGPT 对于几个单词含义区别的回答:
    • ratio: 指两个数值之间的关系, 通常用来表示一个量是另一个量的多少倍
    • rate: 率, 失业率, 出生率
    • proportion: 比例, 部分, 一个部分在整体中所占的份额或比例
    • portion: 指从一个整体中分割出的部分 (描述食物、财产等具体事物的一部分)
  • keep pace with xxx = match up with xxx, 同 xxx 并驾齐驱


  • 提出: propose, devise, advocate
  • 包含: incorporate, encompass
  • 利用: exploit, leverage
  • 实现: implement, achieve, materialize, accomplish
  • 代表/展示/说明: represent, stand for, exhibit, depict, show, illustrate, demonstrate, present, exemplify, elucidate
  • 来源于: stem from
  • 管理: manage, rein
  • 对齐/校准: calibrate, align
  • 组成/构成:
    • 整体 consist of 部分
    • 整体 comprise of 部分、部分 be comprised of 整体、部分 comprise 整体
    • 整体 be composed of 部分
  • 获益: reap, benefit
  • 提升/优化: improve, optimize, elevate, upgrade, boost, expedite
  • 下降/损失: downgrade, decline, deminish, reduce, decrease, plunge (暴跌)
    • diminishing returns: 边际效应递减
  • 恶化: deteriorate, exacerbate, aggravate
  • 差距: disparity, gap
  • 缺少: lack sth. (也可作不及物动词), lack of sth. (作名词)
  • 控制: rein
  • 回避, 绕开, 诉诸于: sidestep, resort
  • 避免, 防止: circumvent
  • 减轻, 缓解: mitigate, alleviate
  • 被认为/相信要怎么样: deem, be deemed to do sth.
  • 仅限于: is not confined to, is not limited to, beyond
  • xx 是 yy 的瓶颈
    • xx proposes a bottleneck to yy
    • yy is hindered/detered by xx
    • xx acts as a constraint on yy
    • bottleneck effectuated by xx constrains yy
  • 鼓舞, 激发: trend of xx sparks/fascinates the research of yy
  • 约定: stipulate
  • 参与: join/participate/engage/be envolved in
  • 超额、太超过了: overwhelming, oversubscription
  • seize: 抓获, 捕获, seize the opportunity of xxx
  • 拥有: possess
  • 驱使: propel, motivate, drive
  • 委托: mandate


  • 倾向: tendency, inclination, propensity


  • whereas, though, nevertheless: 然而, 虽然
  • paramount: (primary) 关键的, 至高无上的
  • compelling: 令人信服的, 有说服力的
  • more pronounced: 更加明显的 (指某些现象); salient: 突出的, 出彩的
  • versatile: 全能的、多才多艺的, agile: 轻巧的、灵活的、机变的
  • symbiotically, 共生地
  • susceptible: 易感染的, 易受影响的
  • half-baked: 半生不熟的, 半成品
  • synergistically: 协同地 (类似 collaboratively)
  • precipitously: 陡峭地、出乎意料地
  • hermetically: 密封地, 完完全全地
  • imperative: 极重要的, 必要的
  • henceforth: 从此之后, 用法 xxx, henceforth 别名
  • rigorous: 严密的, 缜密的, 严格的
  • sporadic: 不定时的
  • praticle, feasible: 可行的
  • proactive: 主动的, reactive: 被动的, 响应式的
  • incessant: 连续不断的, incessant rains
  • notwithstanding, nevertheless, in spite of: 尽管如此


  • first and foremost = most importantly
  • when it comes to: in terms of, regarding, with respect to, as for


  • don't hold any water in my opinion: (在我看来) 根本站不住脚
  • my two cents: 我的浅见
  • we badly need: 我们急需
  • typo: 笔误
  • take a stab at doing sth.: 尝试一下


  • small yard and high fence, 小院高墙
  • decoupling/de-risking, 脱钩/去风险
  • inflection/deflation, 通胀/通缩
  • stabilize ties: 稳定关系
  • deep-seated suspicion and entrenched differences: 根深蒂固的猜疑和分歧
  • deep state: (美国的) 深层政府 / 影子政府
  • MIC: 军工复合体
  • lobby: 游说团体
  • do-ocracy


  • Done is better than perfect.
  • Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others. ––Winston Churchill
  • Birds of a feather flock together. 物以类聚, 人以群分
  • The best way to predict the future is to invent it. –– Alan Kay


  • AFAIK: as far as I know
  • AFAICT: as far as I can tell
  • AFK: away from keyboard
  • a.k.a: as known as
  • ASAP: as soon as possible
  • FUD: fear, uncertainty and doubt, FUD campaign
  • FWIW: for what it's worth, 仅仅提供个人意见
  • IIUC: if I understand correctly, IIRC: if I remember correctly
  • IMO: in my opinion, IMHO: in my humble opinion
  • PTAL: please take a look
  • RSVP: respond, if you please
  • TIL: today I learned
  • WDYT: what do you think

Some Latin abbreviations:

i.e.that is
e.g.for example
etc.and other things
et al.and other people